Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our Thoughtful Eli...

After having had three children, I am a firm believer that people are born with certain temperaments and traits that are hard-wired. As parents we have influence over certain things, but there are just some things that cannot be taught. Eli has come into this world being very aware of others and their needs. He wants others to be happy and he'll do whatever is within his power to make that happen. Like the other day when we were playing with the Lite Bright. I was busy pushing in the colored pegs to finish the picture while Eli seemed to just be digging in the pile of pegs. After a few minutes he pointed to a pile of yellow pegs that he had made and said, "Look, Mom, I found all the yellow pegs for you to use!" Eli knows that yellow is my favorite color and used this knowledge to do something he thought would bring me happiness. He was right, it did. How many four-year-olds are that thoughtful and want to make sure their Mom has her favorite color pegs to use with the Lite Bright? Our Thoughtful Eli... I have much to learn from him about being more aware of others and ways to make them happy....

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