Saturday, February 20, 2010

To Catch a Leprechaun...

Eli was once told by one of Oakley's friend that he caught a leprechaun.  He has since been obsessed with catching his own.  So never mind that the laundry hasn't been done in 4 weeks- we made a leprechaun trap.
Eli is anxiously awaiting the leprechaun to climb the ladder trying to reach the gold coins on the top, and then fall through the paper and be trapped.  He checks the trap really regularly and has tried moving it to different locations.  No luck.  I am even more hopeful than Eli, I think, because I would love for a leprechaun to show me the way to a pot of gold.  But if our trap doesn't work and we don't end up with a leprechaun, it provided happy memories working on  Project Trap a Leprechaun together.

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