Asher has found much entertainment opening the freezer of our new fridge and throwing the contents all over the kitchen floor. After putting Popsicles,
Uncrustables, broccoli, chicken nuggets, and other various freezer items away numerous times a day, we decided the best solution was to just take the handle off of the freezer.
I really love my new fridge with the French doors, ice and water in the door, and the freezer on the bottom. If only Asher would leave the freezer closed! I know that in the life span of the fridge, Asher emptying out it's contents is in reality a short time frame - so it's worth enduring his current obsession with playing in the freezer.
Those two copper-looking screws is where the handle once hooked on and hopefully will again in the near future!
He got over his frustration about not being able to open the freezer pretty quickly. He's now moved on to the lap top keys. He loves to take all of the keys off of the laptop computer we have on the kitchen table. Sigh... As soon as we find a way to stop him from doing that, he'll find something else to destroy.